
How to deploy a PowerShell 7.2 runbook to Azure Automation using Bicep

A few months ago in November 2023 PowerShell 7.2 was made “General Available” in Azure Automation. One important feature was yet missing from the documentation: deployment using Bicep or ARM templates.

As confirmed by Microsoft, the API was already supporting this behind the scenes.

Yes, both Bicep and ARM template support is available.

After I checked with a few people to no avail, Jan-Henrik finally gave my the right hint.

While the official documentation is not up to date, to this day (14.01.2024)…

PowerShell 7.1 and API version 2023-11-01 are missing from the documentation

… the Azure REST API Specifications GitHub repository, that should also be the source of the documentation is up to date.

PowerShell72 as an option in the Azure REST API Specifications GitHub repo

On 30.01.2024 the official documentation was updated. The runbookType PowerShell72 is now listed.

Deploy a PowerShell 7.2 runbook using bicep

And here is how you deploy a PowerShell 7.2 runbook:

param automationAccountName string
param location string = resourceGroup().location
param artifactsLocation string = ''

resource myAutomationAccount 'Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts@2022-08-08' existing = {
  name: automationAccountName
  scope: resourceGroup()

resource exampleRunbookPowerShellCore 'Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/runbooks@2023-11-01' = {
  name: 'exampleRunbookPowerShellCore'
  parent: myAutomationAccount
  location: location
  properties: {
    description: 'Search for service principals and application to build a watchlist WorkloadIdentityInfo'
    runbookType: 'PowerShell72'
    logProgress: false
    logVerbose: false
    publishContentLink: {
      uri: uri(artifactsLocation, 'justatest.ps1')
      version: ''

Deploy a PowerShell 7.2 module to Azure Automation

It also super simple to deploy a new PowerShell module or update an existing module for the PowerShell 7.2 runbooks.

param automationAccountName string
param location string = resourceGroup().location

var psGalleryModules = [

resource PSGalleryModules72 'Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/powerShell72Modules@2023-11-01' = [for psGalleryModule in psGalleryModules: {
  name: psGalleryModule
  parent: myAutomationAccount
  tags: {}
  properties: {
    contentLink: {
      uri: '${psGalleryModule}'

Thanks Jan-Henrik for the tip.

I hope this blog post helps other people out there until the official documentation is updated before PowerShell 7.4 get’s into public preview.